Gwen DuBois, MD, MPH

Gwen DuBois MD, MPH practiced internal medicine in Baltimore for many years and now precepts medical residents at Sinai Hospital as well as is a part time instructor in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She earned her bachelor degree at Wellesley College, her medical degree at SUNY-Downstate in Brooklyn, NY and her MPH at Johns Hopkins. In addition to being president of Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, co-founder of Prevent Nuclear War Maryland and Crabshell Alliance (which worked to keep Calvert Cliffs from opening a third nuclear reactor), she is on the public health committee of the Maryland Medical Association. She was a citizen lobbyist at the preparatory meetings for the UN Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty in NYC. In the early 1990’s, she was arrested at Site R in Thurmont, Maryland where government leaders would reside underground and where World War III would be conducted in the event of a nuclear war. Since there is no place for Dr. DuBois and her family there, she has chosen to work for nuclear disarmament and abolition instead.